Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Sh!t Dorian Corey Says - Paris is Burning

Old Reading

Reading from 70s

Khadeedra and BallRoom Throwbacks

Khadeedra Vs Kelly

Kelly was wrong for what she said, but Khadeedra needs to listen and change.

Gina Reads...

I miss this lil lady.

Cory and Gee

Interesting. I'm glad they brought this up about the judges.
Also are they together? I know someone in the comments said they were brothers, but are they blood brothers?!
In this video they said we took a shower. Sexy as hell anyway.

She had some good points

But she could have said all that in one video...damn

I'm Listening and Waiting...

I'm just sort of waiting to hear Sinia speak on how she sometimes fights and acts a fool like everyone else. Idk. I just think its aweful strange for someone to come out like they are so mature when they pullin the same stunts and shows everyone else is pullin.  Meh...I guess.

Lets Start this off Right

Sinia is THE BUSINESS!!!

We will take a few hints from her and then get down to the tea.